What a tumultuous time we are all experiencing, and I have certainly not been left out of this collective experience! As you will all remember Mars squared Saturn at the end of September followed by powerful Full Moon in Aries. I had of course explored how these transits could affect me personally but was sure the old pattern of transiting planets in my sixth house of body and illness coinciding with a health bump was one I had long grown out of. I was wrong of course!
In the early hours of October first I was whisked by ambulance, semi-conscious and in tremendous pain, to our local hospital. The next 24 hours were a blur of doctors, machines, and a further ambulance drive to a bigger city hospital where yet more doctors, machines and needles poked at me. Once stabilised I spent a week in the ward being treated and observed. Being so suddenly unplugged from all in my life and with nothing to focus on other than giving my body the time and space to recover is an experience I will write of in another post as it was a humbling week of reflection and learning for me.
Of course this created a wake of chaos and I wish to thank my clients whose bookings had to be rescheduled and who have patiently waited until I was able to be with them. The experience is not over as I return to hospital on the 30th November for a surgical operation that will hopefully allow deeper healing for my body. The 30th is another Full Moon but now in Gemini and a lunar eclipse! This all feels to me as very linked to the cycles of the Moon and all that she symbolises for me personally. I am consoling myself with the thought that at least this time I have the illusion that I can plan for the time I am away from home!
My waitlist for bookings is full for December as I am being cautious and allowing healing time for myself. I am now starting to fill January 2021. There is a different feel to this new year as we move away from the outer planets all clustered in Capricorn and we enter the dance of the squares of Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn in Taurus that flavour this coming year. So treat yourself to a consult to explore 2021 with me while the year is still new. I look forward to hearing from you!
With love and blessings