! remember so vividly growing up in a South African mining town and being taking on school trips to the local gold mine. The pinnacle of the visit was standing in the great shed, barely able to breathe in the hot and close air, watching an enormous vat pouring a river of liquid gold, alive with sparks of fire, into the awaiting moulds. Then admiring the heap of cooled gold bars. I never had an opportunity to take a gold bar home though!
Jupiter shines this week and now is the time for all of us to to create our own bars of gold. We are invited to light our creative flames and shape the gold of our dreams and inspirations! The Sun and Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Sagittarius brings Jupiter's fabulous optimism and hope back into our lives. Look at where Jupiter is in your charts right now to see where the action is!
It is so important to take the stance of the archer right now and be alert, poised and ready to say yes to any opportunity that arises. This Osho Zen card is one of my favourites for showing the stance of readiness that ensures you act quickly and shoot the arrow at the right target.
At the end of the week the Moon moves through Sagittarius and meets Jupiter and then Mercury moves back into Leo and Jupiter stations direct. What that dollop of astrobabble means is that dreams and projects can now come into fruition particularly with collaboration and communication so shine and draw those influential people and mentors into your life with all your wonderful fire.
In South Africa we celebrate Women's Day with a long weekend and this together with Venus in Leo makes me think of roses and honey and celebratory meals - enjoy ladies!
Jupiter is also the teacher and known for wisdom and higher learning so if you are South African make the most of the break this long weekend and allow yourself to be drenched with the sweetness of soul wisdom. It's a lovely weekend all round no matter where you are in the world.
I would love to hear from you! - whether just to say hello, or to inquire about booking a session with me, or to book in right now!
Please feel free to browse my website for more information on my work and I would also love your feedback on either the website or the mailer.
Sending you all the heart-warmth and joy and love of this fabulously beneficent week!
Susan ♥