I haven’t written to you for some time but this is such an interesting time that I thought I would drop you all a line. The currents sweeping our world and within ourselves are very much Saturn In Capricorn (December 2017-2020) inviting us to let go of old stuckness wherever it is in our life and welcome the new. But we are having a real hard time doing just that! You just have to watch the news to see how we are actually running backwards determined to create a paper mache model of the past, then wondering why it is cracking and dissolving and plain just not working.
Mercury is soon to retrograde (on October 31) in the watery feeling realm of Scorpio and this retrograde lasts until November 20th. We can use this time to help move that stuckness and the chaos it creates by surfing our own emotional psychological stuff and cleaning it up so we can enter as fully functioning multi-dimensional human beings the shared psychospiritual connectivity of the global oneness the earth is evolving towards.
The astrological Scorpio has four symbolic phases which we all ideally evolve through in our emotional life – first the scorpion which births the snake which has the potential to soar as the eagle and, finally, the phoenix that rises out of the ashes of the old and brings renewal. The work this retrograde invites us to.
Right now if we look around there is a lot of scorpion behaviour as we sting other’s with our divisive opinions and commentary so evident in our social media and online habits, and inevitably stinging ourselves when we indulge in this behaviour as we expose the worst of ourselves. This is the territory of the snake, betrayal and shadow tactics while hiding in the dark, all to no avail, as the secrets always emerge which they will in this retrograde.
But if we can face our own internal waterscape, bring light to our personal darkness, tell our inner child to grow the hell up, pull our ever tearful victim out of its pity parties, find our inner tyrant and overturn its regime by teaching ourselves emotional intelligence, even gritting our teeth and retiring our manipulator permanently. All this would free the waters of our own emotional life to flow and balance within us. And then, then we can soar like an eagle able to see a far wider world with all its complexities and interconnections. And with greater insight our conversations with others would be more compassionate and understanding.
The ultimate invitation is to birth as a phoenix, a human being fully aware that all of life breathes as one, and that truth tells us we share and interconnect at every level, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. Now we could help each other enter the new with connection, community and collaboration, dreaming the future together.
Doing the long, often painful work of growing up and transforming through and into the phoenix is an offering of healing to the whole. Rather than repeating endlessly the past may we choose instead to evolve. Such a deep and interesting time to be alive!
I would love to hear from you! - whether just to say hello or to inquire about a session with me. Please feel free to browse my website for more information on my work.
Sending you all courage to do this great work and much love!