Wow, what a year it has been so far!!

There is so much to write about right now as we all experience this unusual and chaotic year, too much for one posting really. The cosmic skies continue to be busy with the second Jupiter/Pluto conjunction at 24 Capricorn having just happened on June 30th and Saturn returning to Capricorn on July 2nd with a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse closing the powerful Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle on July 5th. Plus Mars is now powering through Aries, its sign of rulership, where it remains for an unusually long stay until early January 2021. All three outer planets, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, have been pivotal as key symbols for this year and will continue to be up to and beyond the 3rd and final conjunction on November 12th. The graphic below from the wonderful website Archetypal Explorer shows just how busy the rest of the year is astrologically!


We are all struggling to grasp the enormity of the changes happening around us. Saturn and Pluto are doing their stuff in Capricorn first fortifying and then deconstructing the power and structures that we are living under, and these two planets were  joined in the last 6 months by Jupiter who intensifies the energies - as if we needed that! Anger belongs to Mars' domain and this is going to further ignite the stirrings of dissent and the need to protest – and how the world has been pushed into opposites of opinions on everything! But we have seen a movement into the sacred warrior in the protests that have swept the world and that at least is a positive use of a powerful energy.


We are all embarking on a new chapter in this never ending story of change and adaptation that is our world. I see this time as a powerful time to explore and understand our own archetypes, patterns that are both our own and those of our family of origin,tribe, and nation, as well as our survival mechanisms both positive and negative, and our shining possibilities that are coded into our charts and hearts like treasures for us to find and use to bring the best of ourselves to this challenging but also exciting time in our world.

In her book Paradise Built in Hell Rebecca Solnit writes about people and disastrous times and finds that often people not only rise to the occasion but do so with joy as community, meaning and purposefulness is found in living through the challenges. Hannah Arendt in a newly discovered and published article on What Freedom and Revolution Really Mean writes of how the word 'revolution' originally meant restoration. Could we, I wonder, rise to this time despite the grief at losing a family member to the virus and the horribleness of a funeral in a time of COVID, the loss of income and stability, and the sheer terror of the unknown of the precipice we are looking into. Could we  look for restoration of the good and creation of the new in the threads of the hopeful, in the shining gold of our love for life, and see possible ways of nurturing all human life and make meaningful change to how we care  for the more than human world, and live with a lighter footstep on Mother Earth?

I think this is a deep conversation worth having and I invite you to book a session with me to do just that!

I wish you well in the month ahead and much love,