Dancing in this shared field called LIFE!

"Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace."
- Frederick Buechner
I love this quote. It was on my mind as I visited the vast wetland estuary that is Velddrift earlier this month. Each day I waited at dawn for the fog to lift and listened to the eerie cries of birds, then as the sun burnt off the now wispy strands of mist so the vast landscape of river, sky, reedy banks, and self-satisfied looking pelicans came into view for me to touch and taste the shared field of life until I too was dancing with the delicate dancing figures of pink-hued flamingos rising up off the water to circle around and then settle down again.

I am becoming ever more aware of the shared field of listening that arises when in a consultation with a client. In that field patterns, archetypes and images emerge, fresh concepts, possibilities and ideas are discovered, and in this wildly alive space, new wording and vision is found. It is one of the joys of continual learning that I feel honoured to be invited to share with my clients. The thrill of the NOW moment of exploring the aliveness of being human! New awareness and potentials are sparked as we experience that mysterious field together!

Who would enjoy a session with me?

Anyone! Anyone who wishes to explore themselves. 

Read more about my work on the pages of my website. 

Book a consultation!

With love and blessings


What are the Golden Threads of Your Life?


I recently listened to a talk where the speaker reflected on his life by means of distinguishing the meaningful threads that have run through it.  I was struck by this and the thought of identifying these major threads that run through the fabric of our own lives so we can touch and grow these golden threads to imbue each day with love and meaning.
When excavating the golden threads in my life I found some surprises as well as confirmation in what I have always intuited. My love of cats, although appearing to be a small liking, is a continuous living thread from an early childhood living with a cattery of breeding cats to the way my heart lifts when KitKat, the neighbour’s black and white cat, comes to visit.

My love for my family of origin, originally a nuclear family of four, now grown to a tribe, particularly expressed in a loving connection to my daughter and grandchildren, is a deeply nourishing thread. My relationship with my husband is a numinous thread of its own that glistens and gleams with love, companionship and adventure.

I have always been happy anywhere as long as I can see the sky. My connection to the earth is deeply felt in this thread, as I have watched the many moods of the sky through windows all over Africa as I lay in bed, the scudding clouds, the endless blue, the dark grey storm sky.

I am a bibliophile, have been since birth! This thread is many hued as it covers my love of reading, of knowledge, of wisdom in the many symbolic languages, my delight in writing, oh how I could go on!

Lastly is a thread that grows ever in its richness and depth, and that is my love of the Ultimate Mystery, of the path I follow in that continuous journey in and to the Beloved.

Of course, the threads could be discerned in other languages such as your archetypes and how you express through them, the planets and signs in your birth chart, the cards in a reading, a medical examination of your body, even by looking at the photos you have chosen to display in your family albums. Each gives a lens through which to see yourself. The astrotarot readings I do is a delightful way to pick up those threads too.

Enjoyed this blog? I do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype, Facebook Messenger Video, and in my office here in Fish Hoek, which allows us to delve into your chart and reveal your golden threads. Go to the bookings page and send a booking request for a session me. Check out my testimonials and other pages on my website to learn more about what I do


Intuitive Musings Cafἐ

Join Tracy and Susan in their Intuitive Musings Cafἐ where we will teach students the intuitive arts starting with a beginners Tarot course and moving onto other workshops as interest grows. These cozy and comfortable workshops will be held around Tracy’s kitchen table in her home in Noordhoek. 
Check out our offering on Facebook!

Its my birthday month and I am sharing the fun!

A long time ago and in a place far away I was born on a midsummer's day. Sixty summers this year to be exact! That makes me a Gemini and in true mercurial fashion I now live in Cape Town and celebrate my special day on midwinter's day! So the fairies and magical creatures can be found huddled around a warm log fire somewhere in Newlands Forest!

Birthday Specials for you!


I am giving away one AstroTarot Reading absolutely free of charge to a customer who is turning sixty too this year - the winner will be the birthday closest to the 21st of June.

I am not forgetting about the rest of you. From the 21st of May to the 20th of June all booked and paid consultations will qualify for a 20% discount!

Book here

Please send on to all family, friends, in-laws and out-laws so we can find that lucky person who qualifies for the free AstroTarot session!

Susan's Musebit

We all know the picture of the woman that can look either very young or very old depending on how we look at the illustration. I had a real life experience of this truth whilst exploring my home town one Saturday morning. I walked down a dark alley as I wanted to explore the origin of a mystery noise. When the alley opened into a dirty little courtyard I turned back and saw silhouetted against the light the shadow of a strangely shaped man gesturing wildly at me.

At first I felt quite frightened, but as there was no way out except past this figure, I stepped briskly towards him. As I got closer the shape became ever more familiar until I recognised a handicapped street trader who I had become very fond when living in Kommetjie but had since lost touch with him. He was following me and waving with excitement at seeing me!

After our happy reunion I went on my way musing as to how my world is made up of what I allow my mind to think, and sadly how often that is fear. And yet my heart knew differently, giving me the courage to step forward into the wonderful experience of meeting up with someone whose well-being I had often wondered about.

Love is Visionary!

Two stones cannot occupy the same space, but two fragrances can.

I experienced the truth of this Sufi saying as I accompanied Nancy Kline as she taught the Thinking Environment ® to groups across the country these last two weeks. Nancy is a master of sharing her unique fragrance whilst creating an opportunity for each fragrance in the room to be seen, heard, loved and celebrated.

Humberto Maturana, the Chilean biologist, says that love broadens vision and expands intelligence. He defines love as allowing the other to be a legitimate other, and finds this is the only emotion that expands intelligence. Intelligence, which he defines as the act of responding accurately to minute changes in conversation and context, expands when lived through mutual trust, respect, equality, care, cooperation, nearness and body acceptance.

This is the month we celebrate love. Let's step outside the Hollywood concept of this celebration and bring love to every relationship and conversation in our lives. Let’s expand the intelligence and vision of our world and discover the unique exquisiteness of each fragrance around us!


Tarot Reading

A Tarot reading is a wonderful way to touch in whether you are looking at how this moment fits into the context of your life, or find you are in transition, feeling stuck, or just need a time and space just for you. 

Relationship Sessions

Honouring the integrity of each person, we explore the meaning of the bond between you. We listen together to the third body of the relationship and work with its light and presence to open your interrelating to the flow of life, love and commitment.  


Personal Sessions

Oftentimes it is the great passageways of life that rip apart our life and bring us to look for companionship and guidance.  A steady patient companion to wait and witness with you until you have the courage to allow life to transform you into the new is a great help.

The Perfect Gift is an AstroTarot Session!

Looking for the perfect Holiday or Special Occasion Gift for loved ones or yourself?

The summer holidays here in Cape Town are wonderful with buttery sunny days, acqua cool seas and silky starlit evenings.

To celebrate I am offering my AstroTarot session at a special holiday price - please see fee page.

An AstroTarot two hour Skype Consultation is an uniquely personal and unusual gift for that special person.

Alternatively treat yourself to a look back at the year that was, consideration of the year ahead, and celebrate the place where you find yourself now.

The special rate for an AstroTarot session only applies to consultations bought and paid from 1st December 2016 to until 15th January 2017.

However the session itself can be scheduled at any time up to the 30th October 2017.

If you are buying the session as a gift, I send you a gift certificate inviting your recipient to book for their gift session on a date that suits them. 

Contact me today to finish your Holiday Shopping with a gift your family and friends are sure to love! 

Review your year! Look ahead to the next six months!

This month marks the half-way point in 2016, an ideal time to review your year so far and look ahead to the next six months. 

Book a session with Susan, and learn how to be guided by your archetypes and to live through your personal mythology with responsibility and sensitiveness, responding rather than reacting to the chaos of these turbulent times.

Susan provides opportunities to explore your personal life through readings and interactive sessions that create a passage through the stormy chaos to quiet beaches of reflection and harbours of rest.  


What people say about my consultations

"Thank you for the reading you hit so many nails on the head for me."

"Thanks again Susan for your support and the very helpful and encouraging session."

"It was such a pleasure to spend time with you. I found the whole experience invaluable and had one very big insight."

"Thank you for the reading you hit so many nails on the head for me."

"Thanks again Susan for your support and the very helpful and encouraging session."

"It was such a pleasure to spend time with you. I found the whole experience invaluable and had one very big insight."

I received this illustration (below) entitled The stem expanded from a client as her response to our session together.




What’s On Offer In July

Mid year prices remain at the special fees listed on website in June.


Looking forward to hearing from you!





"The Way of the Warrior. To know life in every breath, every cup of tea, every life we take....."


It has become common today to use the term warrior to describe anyone with an illness. The terms that accompany this description most often borrows from the soldier and battle metaphors and supports the military industrial pharmaceutical worldview that has come to dominate our world. This sees as a basic human right the permission to kill, dominate, and win at any cost to ensure a perfectly healthy, affluent, and painless life.

 But illness, disability, pain and struggle is part of the very fabric of life, making those of us experiencing it no more special than the wild baboon comforting her baby with her withered arm, or the large King Protea bush that was badly singed from the heat of the last mountain fire bursting out in a magnificence of tiny pink buds on burnt brown branches, or the rock pigeon dying slowly of bird flu fluffing its feathers that flame up with the colours of the morning sun. And so I prefer to see the warrior metaphor through other lenses, lenses more encompassing of all life.

Hafez sees the warrior as one who has tamed the beasts of the past and does not allow the anxieties of the future to intrude on the present. People living with an illness often have terrifying beasts to tame, the grief and shock of being ill, the anger that this could happen to me, the letting go of addictions whether to activities such as work, substances or thoughts such as always being right, or discarding a past lifestyle ruthlessly so as to align to an inner balance that better supports the body. But no matter how loud the roar of the beast the challenge must be met.

Equally our fears of what may come to pass must be held at bay, the gremlins that come out to play in the early hours of the night firmly banished. So must our demands that we be returned to the state we see as full health be given up. This rigidity of our insistence on wellbeing only fitting a certain picture we have in our mind is often the biggest stumbling block of all. No matter the illness we cannot return to what we were. Life, after all, does not run backwards. Looking backwards turns us into a pillar of salt, the bitterness eroding and imprisoning us in the sterility and desperateness of life as battle. 

There is a Celtic saying ‘Do not give a man a weapon until he has learned to dance”. To dance you step out of yourself and fall in love with the music, the rhythms of what you value in your life, the light of the people dearest to you, and so you pray with your body and heart in intricate patterns of movement and celebration. Now you know what to protect and guard!

The warrior skills are the deep skills of the heart that opens us up to being the instrument through which life flows through. In this vulnerability of being we can respond sensitively to the moment and make choices that feel right for us. For one person it may be to find the courage to enter a high risk, cutting edge medical programme and risk all in a chance for complete remission. For another it may be an acceptance of the disease progression, but this acceptance is never a resignation for the warrior. After all, the choices of the warrior are made with an ear focusing on the subtle melody within the heart. 

A warrior understands that all warriors are engaging with life differently, making different choices, but holding in common the belief in the very sacredness of life in all its many forms, knowing that the jagged, broken light flowing over a wound is as beautiful as the dawn light cupping the pink perfection of a baby’s cheek.