Looking for the perfect Holiday or Special Occasion Gift for loved ones or yourself?
The summer holidays here in Cape Town are wonderful with buttery sunny days, acqua cool seas and silky starlit evenings.
To celebrate I am offering my AstroTarot session at a special holiday price - please see fee page.
An AstroTarot two hour Skype Consultation is an uniquely personal and unusual gift for that special person.
Alternatively treat yourself to a look back at the year that was, consideration of the year ahead, and celebrate the place where you find yourself now.
The special rate for an AstroTarot session only applies to consultations bought and paid from 1st December 2016 to until 15th January 2017.
However the session itself can be scheduled at any time up to the 30th October 2017.
If you are buying the session as a gift, I send you a gift certificate inviting your recipient to book for their gift session on a date that suits them.
Contact me today to finish your Holiday Shopping with a gift your family and friends are sure to love!