Image Credit: Bed of Roses by Victor Nizovtsev
Venus has turned retrograde in Scorpio (October 5th to November 16th) and we have begun our 40 day journey into the underworld, the dark places in our psyche, as the planet of love and relating dives deep into Scorpio’s emotional waters. It’s a time of reflection, an opportunity to assess what we love and what we value. Relationships are crucial right now. We need to investigate deeply how we negotiate, accommodate, understand, and relate to one another. How do we treat and respect each other?
Scorpio, a sign that is about passion, sexuality and power, the emotional underpinnings that motivate us, the drama we can fill our relationships with. So we are looking at the deeper or hidden side of relationships right now. This is a journey of looking at how we negotiate intimacy, how we are cherished, and who we cherish. A broken heart is a heart that is soft and open to those we love and the journey to that greater loving heart means looking at the power and toxicity in our relationships, and to heal, transform or find the courage to release partnerships that are not working. Are we rising to the challenge of moving from co-dependant to interdependent that these times call for?
This is also a passage where Venus becomes a warrior exposing secrets and collusion around sexual and gender politics and we have seen this vividly in the news as the feminine power within us all challenges the patriarchal rigidity and blindness in our society. This is a time to re-asses our core values to become wider and more inclusive.
When I see photos or a documentary such as Earthrise of the earth from space I am reminded so strongly that our home is so beautiful, so small, and home to us all. Our relationships to each other and to life around us are vital as our societal values are written into law. Perhaps this retrograde could nudge a move to a change of heart and a healthier relationship to the feminine and the earth.