“Two stones cannot occupy the same space, but two fragrances can.”
I experienced the truth of this Sufi saying as I accompanied Nancy Kline as she taught the Thinking Environment ® to groups across the country these last two weeks. Nancy is a master of sharing her unique fragrance whilst creating an opportunity for each fragrance in the room to be seen, heard, loved and celebrated.
Humberto Maturana, the Chilean biologist, says that love broadens vision and expands intelligence. He defines love as allowing the other to be a legitimate other, and finds this is the only emotion that expands intelligence. Intelligence, which he defines as the act of responding accurately to minute changes in conversation and context, expands when lived through mutual trust, respect, equality, care, cooperation, nearness and body acceptance.
This is the month we celebrate love. Let's step outside the Hollywood concept of this celebration and bring love to every relationship and conversation in our lives. Let’s expand the intelligence and vision of our world and discover the unique exquisiteness of each fragrance around us!
Tarot Reading
A Tarot reading is a wonderful way to touch in whether you are looking at how this moment fits into the context of your life, or find you are in transition, feeling stuck, or just need a time and space just for you.
Relationship Sessions
Honouring the integrity of each person, we explore the meaning of the bond between you. We listen together to the third body of the relationship and work with its light and presence to open your interrelating to the flow of life, love and commitment.
Personal Sessions
Oftentimes it is the great passageways of life that rip apart our life and bring us to look for companionship and guidance. A steady patient companion to wait and witness with you until you have the courage to allow life to transform you into the new is a great help.